
Hidden woodshop inside apartment

University Village Thousand Oaks resident Larry Thrasher shares a part of his hidden woodshop inside his apartment (Courtesy KCLU)

Larry Thrasher is living the dream of having his own personalized woodshop that he doesn’t have to leave his couch to enjoy. During quarantine, Larry made what he refers to as “the hidden woodshop” where he builds custom toys. This retiree has utilized every inch of space inside his University Village Thousand Oaks apartment to conceal drill presses, table saws, sanding machines, and medal mills.

You can find the contents of this hidden woodshop inside closets, on his patio, and even in one of his bathtubs. He can easily hide the equipment when it’s not being used by closing a door or a curtain.

Larry came up with the idea in October. Since then, he’s created nearly a dozen folk toys for his grandchildren, and he’s hoping to create more.

“I’ve always liked making toys,” he told The Thousand Oaks Acorn.

Prior to moving into the senior living community, this retired engineer had a large woodshop. While moving to the community required downsizing the woodshop, it also reinforced his love for the hobby, and the pandemic elevated his desire to continue pursuing his woodworking passion.

“When I looked for the equipment online, I checked to make sure everything was the right dimensions to fit the space I have,” he said.

Studies show hobbies like woodworking, have a wide range of benefits, including improved memory and self-esteem. Larry’s hidden woodshop has caught the attention of his University Village neighbors. He recently did a presentation and displayed some of his designs and creations for others to enjoy.

Watch the KABC-TV story below. You can also see more from inside Thrasher’s home in The Thousand Oaks Acorn and KCLU-AM.