
The health and wellbeing of our residents, families and staff is of utmost importance to us. To this extent, we are closely monitoring coronavirus (COVID-19) spread and following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Though the number of cases nationwide is relatively low at this time, as with the flu virus, the elderly are at higher risk. In addition to our prevention measures, we are also actively preparing our communities to provide care and support for our residents and team members for an extended period of time should a quarantine become necessary.

Many standard infection control and safety protocols are already in place as a part of our standard flu prevention plan. However, because of the risks associated with COVID-19, we are proceeding with an abundance of caution to protect our communities. We have increased the frequency of disinfecting all surfaces in common areas and have made sure that we have sufficient supplies on hand.

We ask all visitors to our communities to adhere to the following guidelines.

  • We ask that you don’t come to the community if you have symptoms of illness OR if you have reason to believe you may have been exposed.
  • If you have traveled to a Level 2 or Level 3 CDC travel-restricted country – currently China, South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran – in the last 30 days, please don’t visit until you are clear of travel for 14 days and have no signs or symptoms of infection.
  • Please inform us of any recent international travel. As the virus evolves, the Level 2 and Level 3 travel-restricted countries may change.
  • Wash your hands. We have placed hand sanitizer stations throughout our communities. Please thoroughly wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often while in the buildings. This is vital to limiting the spread of infection and keeping both you and our residents safe.

Our team members, vendors and other service providers are being asked to adhere to the same health and travel standards.

Below are resources direct from the CDC. If any changes occur in our communities, our families will be notified directly.

Thank you for your support in helping to keep our residents and community employees healthy and safe.

Additional Resources CDC:

· 2019 Novel Coronavirus Situation Summary

· What you need to know about 2019 Novel Coronavirus Fact Sheet

· What to do if you are sick with 2019 Novel Coronavirus Fact Sheet

· Prevention & Treatment